Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's eve ritual

Last night we celebrated the new year with a simple ritual. During the day we'd all contemplated what 2010 had been about, and had searched for symbols to express its different aspects. We'd also found symbols for our hopes for 2011.

In our ritual we shared our symbols and placed them on the flax mat. Mine has been a year of much activity and hard work. I've learned many new skills: selling a new book, learning to do this blog, creating a Seasons Newsletter and a website; also leading seasonal retreats. For 2011 I want to focus on my new book, which I'd like to see unfolding like the marigold flower, or enjoy easy growth spurts like the first bean from my garden, which was just a creamy flower two weeks ago. The kawakawa leaves are about living from the heart. I found myself arranging them, the bean and marigold to make a butterfly. So here I am, poised to fly into the coming year.


Anonymous said...

Here is to a safe and spiritual "flight" into the new year and all it's adventures, Juliet.

Marilyn & Jeff said...

It is good to look back on the past year and to recognise and celebrate all that was good. I love your symbol and it's meaning.